Zeus Internet Marketing Robot is a . . .
. .Web Traffic Controller
Generates new and return traffic into your web
site, while controlling those exiting by providing an organized
exit path. A totally new concept in generating web traffic. Zeus
features and benefits enable this revolutionary software product
to create traffic to your web site, in numbers beyond your wildest
. .Automatic Reciprocal Link Generator
Effortlessly increases your web site's traffic!
One good reciprocal link can give you the same traffic as a major
search engine and, with a Zeus robot, you can have thousands of
reciprocal links.
. .Link Directory Creator
A search engine for every web site. Why worry
about search engine listings when your web site can have it's
own Link Search Directory? A comprehensive, vertical-themed Link
Directory keeps your visitors coming back again and again.
. .ThemeSite Email and Contact Coordinator
Zeus will automatically send reciprocal link requests,
custom messages or Link Directory listing verification to some
or all webmasters belonging to the ThemeSites stored in his database.
This gives you a great reason to announce new Themed awards, product
or web site reviews or any announcements about your web site.
. . a simple, intelligent, internet robot that builds a link directory
and creates reciprocal links for your web site.
Zeus is the
first of a new breed of innovative, robotic software products
for webmasters.
Zeus is a
smart internet robot that traverses the web, spidering sites and
creating for any webmaster, a vertical themed link directory.
Train him
to find web sites, matching your unique themes or subjects, and
he will zoom off to find thousands of them. Zeus then helps you
to review and organize them into vertically-themed categories
and possible inclusion within your link directory.
Zeus creates
qualified traffic to your web site in numbers you have always
thought to be impossible. This is quickly accomplished through
a series of steps utilizing dynamic website content, increased
search engine activity and genuine, match-each-other reciprocal
Content is
quickly added to a website with dynamically changing, Zeus-generated,
link directory pages. With a single click, your Link Directory
is built and uploaded to your web site. These themed pages are
keyword-tuned to score high in search engine rankings. Search
engines give higher rankings to websites with themed content that
match each other through mutual reciprocal links. It is now possible
for your directory pages to place in the top 10 search engine
listings with a single search word! Imagine having hundreds of
these pages, each page built around a single keyword or phrase.
As a possible added bonus, re-submission to search engines is
a forgotten chore once reciprocal links point towards your site.
Robots will visit your site more often because they will find
links to your website more frequently throughout the internet.
One good reciprocal
link can give you the same amount of traffic as a major search
engine and with a Zeus internet robot, you can have hundreds of
reciprocal links. The best qualified visitors to your site are
from reciprocal links. Zeus simplifies the tedious task of reciprocal
link generation by providing, from your link directory, a pool
of qualified, theme-matching, reciprocal link prospects, organized
by themes or subjects. A contact manager is included allowing
you to email an individually-personalized reciprocal link request
to each website's webmaster. Everything is easy to edit, organize
and maintain. Link Partners receive a preferential graphic and
listing at the top of each directory page providing a compelling
reason to reciprocate the link.
Your link
directory will also ensure your website's visitors stay longer
and bookmark it into their favorites for a speedy return. Zeus
is non-invasive to visited websites and follows all the Robotic
Guidelines as described throughout the Internet. You can use Zeus
in multiple themes; great for web marketers, authors, researchers,
webmasters or serious hobbyists.
Zeus is not
for everyone but if you are a moderately to expertly skilled webmaster,
with limited time on your hands, who could benefit from a vertical-themed
link directory and increased website traffic, Zeus will automate
almost every aspect of creating such a directory.
here to learn more about Zeus.
